What would life be like if you REDUCED yelling at your preteen?

  1. Speak when you are calm, pause when you feel anger rising
  2. Learn what leads you to yell
  3. See a reduction in conflict or tension

Sometimes you lose your temper and yell at your preteen, you deserve to have techniques that help you keep cool under pressure.

I teach you how to NOT feel guilty that sometimes you lose your temper. You shouldn’t ever feel guilty for having a typical mom response.

You haven’t failed, we were never taught this in school. You deserve a program that teaches you how to learn to stay with discomfort when challenges arise in motherhood.

Imagine A Life Where

  • You have smaller arguments with your daughter, doesn’t matter how frustrated you get. 
  • You nolonger have parenting disagreements with your spouse. 
  • Feel good about yourself as a mother while teaching your daughter confidence for life.
  • You establish firm boundaries and consequences without sacrificing your relationship with your daughter.
stop yelling

I Stopped Yelling At My Daughter, I Will Help You Get Started

My name is Esther Mbabazi, a podcaster, I help moms who are successful in careers, but what to stop or atleast yell less using brain based methods. 

When I overcame yelling at my daughter, I made it my mission to help other moms who are struggling the same way I did.